Monday, 24 February 2014

Up Till Dawn With Alice

Up till dawn with Alice
Just my headphones and I

Up till dawn with Alice
Just Rotten Apple and I


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Only three days left before my birthday. 

Am I ready to turn 25? Hell, no. Absolutely not. 

I'm so not-ready I'm just about to suffer a severe atack of Brian Kinney Birthday Syndrome... again. Only it keeps getting worse every year. I didn't mind turning 24 so much... it's a cool number. But 25... man. 25 is a quarter of 100, and that shows just how bad it is.

And don't get me wrong: the fact of having survived on this Earth for 25 years is nothing to get depressed about - that's definitely something to celebrate. What is fuckin wrong is turning 25 having achieved fucking nothing in your whole fucking life; having given up almost everything other people consider a life because of your commitment to your cause and still having (almost) the blackest future perspective imaginable, despite all the efforts you'vealready fucking done. That is what really sucks.

Doesn't sound very cheerful, heh?

Well, I'm sorry. That's the fucking world we live in. 

If you don't like it, you could help me try and change it instead of sitting there doing nothing, growing increasingly numb to everything and everyone around you while your brain escapes to easier places.

But hey - who am I to judge you, anyway? I only feel at peace when I'm plugged into Alice

When the early hours of the morning come and we get back together I feel like I can deal with pretty much anything, and all the bullshit that torments me becomes insignifficant, and suddenly everything makes sense.

If onlly we could make it work in the real world...

Seattle, I think we've got a problem.

PS. Yup, I was actually referencing Connor Maynard with that one. That's 100 points for elite pop culture knowledge LMAO

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