Tuesday, 31 December 2013

Happy Dark Year

The sun sets on the horizon for the last time in 2013. 

As we prepare to bid farewell to another year, we gather all the things we never want to see again and burn them in a huge gasoline-fueled fire. And, as they burn, the wild flames make us teary-eyed, and the thick black smoke of our bad memories blackens our view a little more, before going up and merging with the black sky above our heads.

We are surrounded by darkness, but we feel fine, and we celebrate. And we display our best Hollywood laughter, as we toast to another black year gone by.

Two years ago it felt like we couldn't make it, but we're still here, and we're getting stronger. We've grown accustomed to life inside these dark woods. We've made this strange place feel like home; we've turned this hell into our playground. And we will keep on fighting.

We have no resolutions for 2014; no plans; no objectives. Our only aim is to stay strong and keep on resisting, blow after blow. We might not win, but we will not surrender. 

Whatever fate has in store for us, we will face it together... And perhaps one day the dark side will shine for us, like the song said. 

But, until then, let's celebrate our one and only victory: the enormous triumph of staying alive.

+   +   +

Let's have a black celebration
Black celebration

To celebrate the fact
That we've seen the back
Of another black... year

+   +   +

Happy dark 2014.

1 comment:

  1. Будь что будет! Что было, ЕСТЬ!
    Смех да слезы, а чем еще жить?
    И если песню не суждено допеть,
    Так хотя бы успеть сложить!

    (К. Кинчев - 'Красное на черном!')

    Сторожа продолжают спать, но сон их явно нарушен.
    Сторожам все еще невдомек...

    (К. Кинчев - 'СОЛНЦЕ ВСТАЁТ')
