How do you start when you don't even know where to start?
What do you say when you don't even know what to say?
Sometimes, finding the right phrase is not possible.
Sometimes, the feelings are too overwhelming and the thoughts are too many; they step on your throat with their size 12 boot and don't allow you to speak; they suck the air from your lungs and don't allow you to breathe; they throw sand in your eyes, pull you to the ground, kick you in the stomach and leave you there, coughing your own blood.
Sometimes words are just unnecessary, because the way you lived your life says more than any obituary could.
Thank you, my friend in the distance. I never knew you, but I feel like I did.
Thank you for all the music. Thank you for all the years. Thank you for all the shows. Thank you for all the thoughts. Thank you for every note. Thank you for every word.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
You have given us so much more than we can ever repay.